tag Dreamscope Entertainment


Client Update Rahul Abburi

Hey Everyone! With our Team in Orlando at IMTA working hard, and performing today, we wanted to give a shout out to a Client who had an incredible performance at IMTA three summers ago, and now has some humongous news!

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Dreamscope Entertainment Agent Day Callbacks Are In

Hey Everyone! Callbacks for Dreamscope Entertainment are in! Congratulations to the following Clients: Serenity Carrasco Grace Nevarez Lucas Naylor Josiah Cooks Demier Peterson Kaden Troutman Eric Luna Adrien Ortiz Tristan Hagen Ella Lockhmatov Julie was so excited to meet so many great Actors, she can’t wait to visit our office again.

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Portfolio Update for Dominick MacNichols

Hey Everyone! Update on the amazing Mr. Dominick MacNichols! Dominick, who first became a client when he was just six, then took more than a couple of years off to play sports and such, and came back at the age of 15 last year to go all in on his talent and opportunities, is off to LA!

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