category Ethan Soltanzadeh


Huge congratulations to our own Mr. Ethan Soltanzadeh!

Check this out! Our very talented Mr. Ethan Soltanzadeh, in his very first national commercial with Five Star! Ethan has been a client of ours for years, was even a part of our IMTA LA 16 team, walking away with Male Junior Actor of the Year, and placing top 5 for Most Sought After Male Talent!

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Another stellar IMTA performance from Mr. Ethan Soltanzadeh!

Another stellar IMTA performance to celebrate! Mr. Ethan Soltanzadeh is a very talented Actor, and he is moving fast in his career. He was named Male Junior Actor of the Year, sweeping through with top five finishes in each acting category, culminating in being the fifth most sought after Male Talent, with 26 Agency callbacks!

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